December 3, 2021

Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech recognized as a top innovative business

Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech receives the Senén Vilaró Prize for the top innovative business. The prizes, awarded by the Board of Trustees of the University of Barcelona and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation,  recognize the start-up as the most innovative spinoff company of 2021.

The prize ceremony took place on Wednesday, December 1, in the historical building of the University of Barcelona. The startup Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech is a spin-off of the University of Barcelona, the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC) and the Institute of High Energy Physics (IFAE).


Qilimanjaro cofounder Víctor Canivell receives the award. (C) Qilimanjaro


They work on a disruptive platform of quantum computing, a new paradigm to advance the computing sector during the next years. This type of computing uses the phenomena of quantum physics to exponentially increase the power of calculus and tackle problems in areas such as the development of new drugs, the assessment of financial risks and logistic pathways, which are now intractable for the most advanced supercomputers. Qilimanjaro has signed two important contracts with customers from France and the United Arab Emirates for a value of more than three million euros and it also takes part in the European project Horizon 2020 AVaQus. Moreover, they offer consultancy services for companies interested in these technologies or those that need to adapt to quantum computing.