Seminari “Quantum Science with Tweezer Arrays”

El Professor Manuel Endres, de Caltech, impartirà el seminari “Quantum Science with Tweezer Arrays”, en anglès.

Està organitzat per l’ICFO i l’assistència és oberta a tothom. Cal registrarse prèviament aquí. 


Atom-by-atom assembly with optical tweezers enables the generation of defect-free atomic arrays with flexible geometric arrangements. Combined with controlled excitation to Rydberg states, this has become a highly versatile platform for quantum computing, simulation, and metrology. I will review these developments with a focus on two valence electron atoms: The rich level structure of such atoms enables novel cooling, control, and read-out schemes, which we have used in demonstrations of record imaging and two-qubit entanglement fidelities for neutral atoms. At the same time, this direction merges high-precision spectroscopy with single-atom control resulting in a novel type of optical clock platform. Further, we are now able to benchmark Rydberg quantum simulators, at a global fidelity level, using a recently introduced scheme based on quantum chaotic dynamics.

Manuel Endres is a Professor and Rosenberg Scholar at California Institute of Technology. Education:
2013 Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics & LMI Munich. PhD physics (summa cum laude). Advisors: I. Bloch and S. Kuhr 2002-2008 Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz & Philipps-Universität Marburg. MSc physics 2005-2006 University of Amsterdam. Courses from MSc in theoretical physics


oct. 21 2021


4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

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